Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Late for your class? Did you try clapping?

Once when I was conducting a session for a group of faculty members in one of Bangalore's engineering colleges, a senior faculty member, Prof. Raghu (name changed) had an interesting revelation to share with me. After lunch, while we were waiting for participants to get back into the session, he was keenly observing the behaviors of all participants. Before leaving for lunch, we had agreed to assemble back at 2PM. But, it was already 2:05 and 80% of the participants had shown no signs of returning on time. He said to me "when we are conducting a class, we expect our students to come to class on time and promptly complete their assignments. However, now I realize that when we are learners, we are also behaving in the same way that our students behave!" This was one important learning for him and I hope he is now more empathetic towards his students.
During the next tea break, I decided to introduce a clapping ritual. Since we had decided to gather back by 3:45 PM after tea, I suggested to the participants who got back to their seats that whoever comes late, we will all clap for them. When the first late comer entered, all of them started clapping and laughing. The person who entered was quite surprised, embarrassed and confused as to why everyone was clapping. With more people coming in late, the clapping only increased in intensity. We also decided on the winner for that day...i.e. the one who came last. There was a record keeper who noted how delayed the last participant was. Before leaving for the day, we said this ritual would continue for the next 4 days of the workshop.
Next day morning, I noticed faculty members literally rushing in to not only avoid embarrassment of being clapped at but mainly to clap for the others. While we had decided to meet at sharp 9AM next day morning, I found that all of them were in the room by 8:50AM!
This clapping ritual works wonderfully in disciplining the learners without directly punishing them.

Games People Play!

Few months back, I attended an outbound training program. I participated in an interesting game which I still remember very vividly. It was not only fun but was an absolute energizer that pepped up the whole group leaving us wanting for more.

The game was pretty simple. We were a group of 25 people. We were asked to form a circle with the facilitator standing in the middle. The game is called "BANG!". The facilitator shoots at one person standing in the circle loudly saying "bang" and enacting as though shooting with a gun. The person being shot at needs to immediately go down on his/her knees while the other two standing beside this person need to instantly turn towards each other and enact as though shooting at each other shouting out "bang" aloud. The actions have to happen instantly. If the person being shot at makes some other gesture or shoots instead of going down on his/her knees then s/he is out. Similarly, if the other two persons go down on their knees or do some other action rather than shooting at each other then they are also out of the game. Any delay in the required action also renders them to be out. The facilitator can randomly shoot at anyone and if the desired action does not happen, they are out of the game. It gets more and more exciting as the no. of participants reduce to just two people.

This is a very fast paced game and is ideal as an energizer. It is best to use this at the beginning of a training to improve attentiveness and energy or during a post-lunch session if there is a likelihood of the learners dozing off due to a heavy meal and information overload.

Try this and let me know your experience of using this with different profiles of participants.

When did you last appreciate yourself?

One of the key insights that I gained by attending the Dale Carnegie "High Impact Presentation Skills" training program was about the difficulty of appreciating self and others. As human beings, criticism comes most naturally to us. In fact, we often tend to criticize ourselves more often than we criticize others. What qualifies as a good feedback is one with a balance of appreciation and suggestions on how certain aspects/areas could be improved further.
During feedback sessions, identifying areas of improvement came easily to me while I had to think hard about reasons to appreciate. Moreover, it is not simply about appreciating. It is about appreciating genuinely and supporting it with valid facts. It is a lot easier to be generic and superficial while appreciating someone. Therefore, we need to keep the following points when appreciating someone:

1. Being genuine - Don't try to fake appreciation as it can be easily detected by the other person. Therefore, it does not acheive the desired effect.
2. Instead of mentioning superficial reasons for appreciating an attribute, it makes better sense when we explain the implicit meaning or relevance that the attribute has for you. For e.g. during a presentation, if you want to appreciate the presenter for highlighting a benefit (among ten others) of adopting a new process or method (that was most relevant to you), you could say something like "Thanks for mentioning these points. I was particularly concerned about benefit (for e.g. no. 4) for which you have provided convincing reasons. I highly appreciate it".
3. Timing - Don't wait for a 'right' time to appreciate someone. The more spontaneous and immediate it is, the more convincing it becomes.
4. Being very specific and validating this with facts/data makes the appreciation further valuable.

Though most of us might be aware of the value of appreciation and its positive impact on our relationships, we seldom remember to appreciate our colleagues, friends and family members. Moreover, it is very rare that we appreciate ourselves on a daily basis. While being critical about ourselves helps stay grounded and focused on goals, it is equally important for us to indulge in a bit of self-appreciation everyday to keep ourselves charged up. Apart from appreciating ourselves for doing the 'right' things, appreciating ourselves for not giving up during tough times or failures can also make a difference to bring success in our lives.

So, everyday, think of one reason to appreciate yourself and also make sure you appreciate one friend or colleague or family member who needs a much deserved praise.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Lot Can Happen Over Coffee!...got nothing to do with Cafe Coffee Day :)

A few months back, I was having a coffee break with two of my colleagues and we ended up becoming very good friends. I realize that it could have been due to the game that had flashed in my mind. The game goes as follows: One among us has to randomly ask a question to any one of the other two. This question can be something that the person asking the question would like to know about the other person. The beauty of this game is that both questioning and answering has to be fast paced. At the end of 15 mins we discovered so much about each other that we would not have known otherwise. It also shattered some myths and assumptions that we had about each other.
This game can be played towards the beginning of a training programme or workshop to help break the ice and to bring high energy levels into the room. Participants can be grouped into teams of 3 to 6 members. Its a lot of fun and learning!

An activity on teamwork

In order to help team members listen to and appreciate each others' view points, a small activity can be conducted. Take a paper with some text printed on one side. Ask the members to form two groups and ask the teams to stand facing each other. Stand in between the teams, facing one group while your back is towards the other group. Hold the paper high and ask the team you are facing to tell everyone what they can see in your hand. They will say that they see a paper with something printed on it. You ask them "Are you sure"? They will say "yes, without doubt". Then ask the other group as to what they see. They will say that they see a blank paper. Ask them the same question "Are you sure"?. They will say "yes, without doubt". Now, debrief. Ask if any group is wrong. Obviously, everyone is right from the side that they are standing! This is what happens when we work in a team. Every member might see something different about the same task/job. However, each of us believe that only we are right while the other is wrong. So much learning can happen if we are willing to see from the other's perspective and learn something new from them.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Did you say "I can't"?

A sudden realization just struck me. Few months back I was observing a session on change management. There was an interesting exercise that the facilitator conducted. He asked everyone to write down 10 things that we felt we "can't do" on a chit of paper and asked us to list them in the order of difficulty i.e. starting from least difficult to most difficult. For instance, I had written "I can't drive", "I can't swim", "I can't play guitar" etc etc. After that he asked us to fold it multiple times such that it becomes a very tiny chit. He then asked us to hand over these chits to him. He said that since we have handed over our "I can'ts", now all those things that we said we could'nt do will become possible. Therefore, all those have been replaced by "I can'ts" cousin "I can"!!! Though I never took the exercise seriously and just treated it like a small fun game, recently I came to realize that I have been trying to learn the same things that I wrote I can't do!! I recently learnt driving and now I have my learning licence. I joined swimming classes and overcame my fear of drowning. I also joined guitar classes and bought a guitar!!!! I do not know what that small activity did to me but the order in which I have learnt these "I can'ts" coincide with what I had mentioned in the list!! And what a coincidence that I felt like learning all these within few days of doing that activity!!!
Would anyone want to guess what might have happened to me at a sub-conscious level?
Do post your comments. Also, if you have read this post, I suggest you seriously do this activity on yourself or your friends. Try tearing off the list or burning it. I'm very sure few days/months down the line you/your friends will start doing all those things that you thought you could never do! :)